Self Feedback
What I Think Works Well
- Symmetry. I think that my page is overall very symmetrical at all scales.
- Scaling. I think my page scales well for the most part, without any major problems.
- Hierarchy. I think my page has a very clear visual hierarchy, with the recipe being the center of attention. I also think I effectively seperated my content, while still making it clear that different sections are connected.
What I Think Needs Work
- Background. The background image is very vibrant, but I struggled to change its opacity.
- Footer. I forgot to style the link at the bottom, and the letter weight is also a little thicker than it should be.
- Simplicity. The reciple itself is a small one, so I need to find more creative ways to style the page without overpowering the information.
- Interaction. I think I could add interest by including hover actions or whatnot to elements like the picture of the smoothie and the link at the bottom.
Feedback From Others
Things That Need Work
- Background. Its vibrancy and detail overloads the page.
- Caption. The recipe caption needs more breathing room from the bottom of its block.
- Hr is too thin. Making it thicker would add clarity and seperation. The seperator itself might be unnecessary. The background blocks behind the text are clear on their own.
- Color. Add more color in the blocks themselves. Perhaps a yellow from the background image. Yellow could also align with the theme more.
- Turn the blocks into banners. Adding a sculpted edge to the bottom would easily styalize the page without adding more potentially distracting content.
- On instructions, the word "smooth" needs to be pushed over. Currently, it is below the rest of its instruction, which is inconsistent.
- Footer gets too close to the edges at lower scales.
Moving Forward
Moving forward, I definately plan on implementing some of the advice that my peers gave me. In particular, I recieved very helpful advice on how to further styalize my page without confusing the information in the recipe. It was also helpful to hear input on things that I had looked over, because at this point chances are high that I might not have noticed them at any point.